Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Attitude Is King

By  Emmanuel Abazu

I realized something recently about my favorite animal in the jungle, …The Lion.

The Lion isn’t the fastest land animal.That would be the Cheetah, an awesome specimen of bio-engineering.

The Lion isn’t the biggest land animal on land.Just take a good look at the next elephant you come across and get back to me. The Lion doesn’t have the strongest jaws in the jungle.That would be the Hyena.

The Lion isn’t the tallest animal.Just ask the Giraffe. The Lion isn’t the most beautiful animal(I personally think Tigers look cooler.But that’s just me.)

The Lion isn’t the smartest animal in the forest either.Some of the smallest rodents in the forest are crazy smart.

So why is the Lion called “King Of The Jungle?” One word, ATTITUDE!!

The Lion is fearless and walks amongst other animals with the air of a conqueror! Everything about the Lion is King – like. It’s walk, it’s roar, it’s focus, it’s fearlessness and above all else,…its attitude.

Lions are problem solvers.when a problem is too big, the Lion teams up with…get this, Other lions to bring it down. When problems are many, lions strategic. Lions are born kings. To them, every problem has a solution.

They have no time to dwell on regrets and past mistakes.Their eyes are focused on the task at hand.They are constantly expanding their territory.They Are not cowards. God help you if you cross a Path of Lions on a bad day!!!

Attitude is everything.It determines how others relate to you.You’re either a King, or just one of the animals of the forest.Your attitude towards life determines how far you will go. So decide who you want to be. Choose wisely my friend.Enough said.

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